
Forget me not

I just attended a play based on the premise from an African proverb: “you are not dead as long as someone remembers your name.” That resonates with me and wonder if I will leave the next generation with anything worth remembering. The play was the story of a Jewish woman around the Holocaust and it brought…
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As I sat on the couch a few nights ago, the house began to move. The dog wandered unsteadily with her tail between her legs, not quite sure where to go or what to do. A SoCal native, my mind understood that we were having a minor earthquake. Even so, there is more that gets…
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Sabbath manna

My natural bent is toward planning and saving. Good disciplines, except when it tempts me to rely on my own work and not on God’s provision. There is a tension between God providing all things, and yet, He has called us to participate in it. While in the wilderness, God provided for the Israelites. He led…
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It’s not just about the wearing of the green…

The corned beef is cooking and the cabbage is washed. St. Patrick's Day is a fun holiday that is festively observed with food and friends. But I wanted to repost Shamrocks, Saints, and ... Books? from last year to remember that this missionary named Patrick risked much for the sake of Christ. I'm grateful for his…
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