Sabbath manna

My natural bent is toward planning and saving. Good disciplines, except when it tempts me to rely on my own work and not on God’s provision. There is a tension between God providing all things, and yet, He has called us to participate in it.

While in the wilderness, God provided for the Israelites. He led them through the desert and protected them. Their clothes didn’t wear out and He sustained them with a daily portion of manna.

This manna was to be gathered every day. There was always enough for that day, but anything that was kept overnight rotted. There was no point in “stocking up.” So the Israelites had their daily work assigned. If you want to eat, just go get it. God has provided for you, but you still needed to do your part in the gathering.

But along came Sabbath and God said, “don’t work.” In other words, there can be no gathering of food. So how were they going to eat? God’s special instruction was to gather enough the day before Sabbath for 2 days and miraculously, just once a week, every week for 40 years, the manna didn’t rot overnight.

That's a helpful picture for me. I need to be diligent in doing what God has asked me to do. He has provided, but I need to do my part. Even the picture of collecting the double portion is good, encouraging wise planning and stewardship. Things we ought not to neglect. But every Sabbath, I should be reminded that without His intervention, it would all be rotten. Time I have invested and resources I have worked for could be wasted. I need to be regularly reminded that, no matter how much I work, God is the one that multiplies and preserves.

Sabbath is a good time to take a rest from our efforts, in whatever area of our life we struggle, and remember that even with all our preparation, it is still the provision of God that will preserve and provide for us.

What areas are you tempted to rely on your own work?

How does “stocking up” affect your trust in God?

2 Responses

  1. Richard G
    So how do you observe the manna concept in your life? How should we as Christians? Should I give up my "disaster preparedness" pantry and just live day to day? Should I look inward and try to determine how much of what's in the pantry is just convenience vs. not trusting that we'll be taken care of?
  2. Jen
    Great question, Richard, that I deal with all the time. What's my part and what's God's part. I believe that planning and preparation are good things, especially as they enable us to help others, but I have to do the internal check about where my security lies. Am I trusting in what I've done - or in God? Do I do what I believe God has called me to do, but hold loosely? The easiest way for me to do a gut check is - how would I feel if it all got wiped out - anxious? or trusting that God had a different plan?

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