Category Archives: Jewish History/Culture


In the beginning God spoke creation into existence. He created man, made in His very image, and He declared that it was not only good, but very good. And the seventh day – God enjoyed His creation. He had made a man and a woman in His own likeness, which meant, at least in part, created…
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Two Buck Chuck?

Here's a fun article announcing the discovery of a jug found in Jerusalem. It apparently held "cheap wine." I wonder if Joe had a Trading Post back in the time of Solomon. Or maybe it was what they drank at the wedding before Jesus came and made more. Enjoy! What interesting artifacts have you run across?
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I’m a toe tester. When I run a hot bath, I gently stick in my toe to check on the water temp. I do the same at the beach, letting the waves run over just my feet before I go racing in. Those aren’t necessarily bad ideas. But, unfortunately, I do the same thing in…
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What do you want?

The Psalmist said, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”  Psalm 37:4    What does that mean? That if I love God enough He’ll give me anything I want? So then, what happens when I don’t get it? Must be something wrong with me, right? I didn’t do it…
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