
In the beginning God spoke creation into existence. He created man, made in His very image, and He declared that it was not only good, but very good. And the seventh day – God enjoyed His creation. He had made a man and a woman in His own likeness, which meant, at least in part, created for relationship. He made a world for them to live in - a place for them to work, create and enjoy pleasure. He created them to have relationship with Him.

It wasn’t that God needed us to be in relationship with Him. God was already in relationship. His very being is relationship – three in one – Father, Son and Spirit. He is perfect community and unity. He is all self-sufficient, but He chose to share the joy and the love. God offered true relationship through free will. Man had a choice to be in relationship with God or not.

So man and woman lived in order and perfect harmony - with each other and with God. Think about how beautiful it must have been in Eden. And God is there - walking and talking with Adam and Eve. God made man and woman and, wanting to be with them, He actually would join them in the garden.

The theology of a distant, uncaring God does not hold up. He didn’t “start up” the world and then leave it to its own devices. He created it and then continued to interact with His creation. Remember what He said, “It is good.” He was delighted with it.

God enjoys His creation – and you are a part of it. I am part of it. God not only loves me. But He likes me. He made me. He enjoys me.

But this was before the fall. What happened when we turned away?

Look at the text:

…and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?”   Genesis 3:8-9

Really? This is God pursuing man – “Where are you”? He is calling him out, looking for him and going after him.

God already knows where Adam is and what he did. But He is in relationship and God is pursuing Adam and allowing him to respond.

I think I would have just zapped Adam and Eve and started over. Maybe that’s why I’m reluctant at times to believe in God’s persistent pursuit of me. Do you think you’re carrying sin that’s too costly for God?  Adam introduces sin in to the world – first time. Never been done before. It’s a big deal. And instead of zapping him, God pursues him. “Where are you?”

Sometimes we talk about God hiding himself, because that’s what it feels like. But I think more often it is we who hide. We feel shame, inadequacy, and we seek to avoid God. Yet our gracious God, who wants to be with us, pursues us. Looks for us. Creates a place to communicate. God doesn’t need us for relationship, but we need Him.

Yes, there were consequences for the sin. Big consequences - like death! And they had to leave the garden. But God still pursued them. He provided for them, covering their nakedness, and He purposed to create a way to return to that close communion. It was man that sinned, and it is God that solves the problem. You know the agonizing cost of His solution.

Do you think God wants to be with us? Even now?

He didn’t start up this world and then stand back to watch. He didn’t abandon it after Adam sinned. God continued in pursuit. He initiated a plan for reconciliation. And He was the one who paid the price for it - because that was the only way.

We in the West seem to easily slip into relating to God as a series of "do's and don'ts" and proper doctrine. Our Jewish text reminds us that God made us for relationship and He pursues us with a fatherly love.

How have you experienced God's pursuit?

1 Response

  1. Nellie
    "I am a friend of God . . . He calls me friend." So we sing. That is an overwhelming thought if we really think what we are singing! But we are more than a friend. He calls me "His child," "His bride," "His beloved!" It is a revealing thought that God pursued Adam & Eve after they were naughty and failed to obey, trust and please Him.

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