Category Archives: Jewish History/Culture

Living in the Howevers

Do you ever think something is too good to be true? Usually that is a good radar against a scam. What about the promises of God? Can they seem too good to be true? Confronted with the incredible fulfillment of God’s Promised Land, the Israelites walked right up to the border - and then looked…
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Remember Him

And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” Luke 22:19 Remembrance isn’t a passive memory but a deliberate and purposeful recalling. Jesus tells us to remember Him and we set an intentional time for that…
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Stand on my shoulders

It must be the greatest satisfaction of a teacher to say, I have taught you what I know, now go study with this other teacher. Or, like the rabbis, go make students of your own. The student that surpasses the teacher is a precious gem to the teacher. Can you imagine training Yo-Yo Ma, the…
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Remember Not

God does not forget. The Biblical idea of God remembering is that He takes action and intervenes in a situation. It reflects His movement. So even as we plead with God to remember us favorably, it occurred to me in reading Psalm 25 that the opposite is also true. David cries out for God not…
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