Category Archives: Character of God

MaOn: My Dwelling Place

Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations. Psalm 90:1 Do you feel restless or unsettled? Or maybe you have actually been uprooted and forced to move around? Moses, who spent his life wandering, knew this feeling well. Our hearts tend to seek a home. It is no accident that in the Psalm…
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Abba: My Father God

And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”  Galatians 4:6 God is referred to as Father throughout the Bible, but the title of Father can be problematic for those with a troubled relationship with their own dad. If we can set aside our own…
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Hospitality and the Church

God models hospitality for us. As His children, we must practice it as well. It needs to be apparent in us, not just as individuals, but together as His Body. There are two questions that press me for reflection. Are we, as a church, hospitable to the stranger, or the visitor among us? And equally…
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Feel It

Our Bible records some tragic events – wars, betrayal, loss of loved ones, illness – all things we experience today. When we read and remember that these are real people, we can empathize with those shared sufferings. We can relate to the emotions they must have felt; sadness, anger, and grief. Sometimes others tell us…
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