That’s one of the reasons I like archaeology. I know the Bible is true in my head – but it connects with my heart in a different way when I can touch it and see it. It also lends confidence to the accuracy of our Biblical text.
Skeptical historians used to assert that King David, and everything that came before him in the Bible, was myth/legend. And then, in 1993, the David stone was found in Dan. Oops! They have now pushed the date back, but have still maintained an "everything is myth before..." stance. I have no problem when science and the Bible seem to be at odds, because science will eventually catch up.
This article gives the archaeological evidence of 50 – that’s FIFTY – Biblical men. Real people that are a part of the message God has given to us. I can't wait to find out who turns up next!
Is there a person in the Bible you have trouble believing was real?
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