Tag Archives: jesus


Mary and Martha experienced just this when their brother Lazarus died (John 11). Jesus heard His close friend was sick but he waited before coming to their side. By the time He got there, Lazarus was gone. The grieving sisters met Jesus – “If only you had been here – he wouldn’t have died.” You…
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Let it flow

Have you been filled from the fountain of living water? Jesus promised to supply living water and, if we’ve asked Him, that life now flows in us. The Holy Spirit, living and active, now resides in us. If you’ve been to the fountain and are filled with the living water, you are able to live…
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June is traditionally wedding season and love is in the air!  Weddings are a time of excitement and anticipation. We have new beginnings and the bringing together of families. I have a nephew recently engaged. It is fun to watch his excitement as they prepare for their life together. His fiancée is temporarily overseas and…
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Render unto Caesar

Should we pay our taxes? What if we disagree with the governing authority? Sounds like good fodder for a Starbucks conversation. But Jesus and His contemporaries had the same dilemma. The Jews were split on whether to go along with the occupying Romans or to resist them. And this Caesar character had the nerve to spoil…
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