Tag Archives: jesus

Passion week

Most of us have seen the movie "Passion" and have heard the reports from critics and fans. But I am struck by the number of individuals who claim that it is too violent. "Why all the violence? Was it really necessary?" or "It's very uncomfortable to watch." It made me think about Christ's actual crucifixion. Why all the violence,…
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Lamb Selection Day

During the time of Jesus, and for a hundred years before, there was a rebel movement of Jews against the Romans. They became known as Zealots. These rebels studied Torah by day, and murdered Romans and unfaithful Jews by night. They were "helping God" bring about His kingdom by trying to cleanse the land. This movement…
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It’s incomprehensible. God left heaven. For here. He gave up glory and majesty, omnipotence and omniscience. And subjected Himself to the limitations of a body and an earthly life within time. Yes, He was still fully God. But He emptied Himself for us. Almighty God, King of kings and Lord of lords. And now He…
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Happy Chanukah!

Tonight at sundown begins the Jewish celebration of Chanukah, also called the Feast of Dedication. It’s a traditional (as opposed to Biblical) holiday marking God’s deliverance of His people. The event remembers God's provision whereby He miraculously extended the oil lamps in the temple for eight nights instead of one as they fought the Greeks to retake…
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