And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” Luke 22:19 Remembrance isn’t a passive memory but a deliberate and purposeful recalling. Jesus tells us to remember Him and we set an intentional time for that…
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Inherit the earth
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5 To the secular ear, that sounds ridiculous. It is those that wield their power that will take possession over land and nations. Part of the deep impact of the beatitudes is the seeming paradox, or irony, in their fulfillment. Inheriting the earth can mean…
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Kingdoms at War
What happens when you bring the gospel of a NEW kingdom to a culture that already has a king? Friction, clashes, and confrontations are inevitable – all forcing people to choose sides. That’s what Paul and the early church faced as they began to spread the good news. The Kingdom of God was reclaiming territory,…
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No Resume Needed
I recently read an interesting distinction between a resume and an obituary. A resume points out – in the best possible light – what we’ve done and maybe even hints at what we hope to do. Our eulogy highlights who we are, the people we’ve touched. The things we highlight in a resume are not…
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