Inherit the earth

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5

To the secular ear, that sounds ridiculous. It is those that wield their power that will take possession over land and nations. Part of the deep impact of the beatitudes is the seeming paradox, or irony, in their fulfillment.

Inheriting the earth can mean the whole world but it can also mean a particular land or ground. To a Jew, Israel is the land of promise and that’s what Jesus’ audience would likely have thought. They also would have had Psalm 37 come to mind.

10In just a little while, the wicked will be no more;
    though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there.
11 But the meek shall inherit the land
    and delight themselves in abundant peace.

This passage deals with the contrast of those who trust God (the bless-ed) and evildoers. God will judge the latter and the former will remain and be established – and delight themselves in abundant peace. The land they inherit will be a land of peace. We know from Isaiah and Revelation that God will create a new heaven and a new earth, setting up His kingdom where we will reign with Him. Since we (the bless-ed) are His children, we also see this picture of inheritance.

I wonder if the incredible awareness of being heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ[1] also causes a meek spirit. Because we are bless-ed, we know we will someday inherit the earth, and that produces not just humility but meekness as well.

The meek are powerful, but have put themselves under God’s bridle, His authority. It is by giving everything to Him, giving up all claims here, that we find we’ve inherited His kingdom. And we can delight in His abundant peace. Amen.

[1] Romans 8:17

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