My natural bent is toward planning and saving. Good disciplines, except when it tempts me to rely on my own work and not on God’s provision. There is a tension between God providing all things, and yet, He has called us to participate in it. While in the wilderness, God provided for the Israelites. He led…
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As God gives us desires and direction, we begin to pursue new goals. What is it you are passionate about seeing happen this year? What are you doing to pursue it? The attainment to any worthy goal requires discipline. Last year I resolved to read more, requiring some added quiet space in my day. The…
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Working at not working
The Talmud suggests that the Sabbath is a taste of eternity, allowing us to practice and experience now a glimmer of what awaits. Or, more simply, practicing the presence of God. Unfortunately, that muscle isn’t as developed as I would like. Strangely, I even work to learn to rest. What are your thoughts on Sabbath?…
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