God is strategic in how He builds our faith, leading us to situations that focus our reliance on Him. The Exodus journey is a good illustration of the maturing process and how, like a loving parent, God nurtured His people. There is much to learn from their time in wilderness, but crossing the Red Sea…
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I’m adding this to our list of words to examine. Does it communicate what we think it does? Does it communicate truth? John’s gospel says to believe in Jesus and you will be saved.[1] In our culture, this can mean that if I agree in my head that Jesus is God, then I have salvation.…
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Something I learned from my dog
My dog, Tovi, has some health challenges that need intervention. The treatment hurts, and is scary. She has no idea it is going to help her and would avoid it if she could. I wish I could explain it to her, but obviously, it is beyond her understanding. It hurts to inflict that on her,…
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