Tag Archives: trust

Tomorrow … and the next

When you look ahead, whether it’s to a new year, decade or a new day, are you anxious? Or are you hopeful? Our feelings come and go based on what we believe the future may hold. We are influenced by our current situation as well as our past experiences. So let’s hold on to what…
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The Two spies

No, that’s not a typo. I know Moses sent twelve spies to check out this new Promised Land. But only two came back with a good report. Think about that. God rescued them from Egypt – an enslaved peasant population delivered from a mighty army. He provided for them through the desert and led them…
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Follow Where?

“Come, follow me.” If you heard this, what would you do? Peter and Andrew dropped their nets and followed. My first instinct would be, “where are we going?” And then I’d probably want to know what we’d be doing and for how long. The way the disciples immediately followed showed that they knew Who was…
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Leap of Faith

God is strategic in how He builds our faith, leading us to situations that focus our reliance on Him. The Exodus journey is a good illustration of the maturing process and how, like a loving parent, God nurtured His people. There is much to learn from their time in wilderness, but crossing the Red Sea…
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