Strong Tower: Power in His Name

The Name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe. Proverbs 18:10

The Name of the Lord carries authority and power. It is Migdal-oz, a strong tower.

Towers in the ancient cities were an ultimate defense. They were a protection inside the already protected city walls. They had the added advantage of allowing a watchman to see what was coming and also to be able to shoot weapons (or stones) downwards onto an enemy. It can also be seen from afar – a safe destination to pursue. The name of God is likened, not just to a tower, but a strong tower. This is a tower that will never be destroyed.

A name represents the person that bears it. With it is conveyed a reputation – “his family had a good name.” And authority is conveyed with a name, “I come in the name of the King.”

The Lord’s name is YHWH. It is a name that tells us He is Who He is. He is eternal and self-sufficient. It is a name that conveys His all-powerful nature. A name that conveys the strength and protection of a tower.

Those that call on the name of the Lord can find a safe refuge in Him. He stands at the ready, visible to all who would turn to Him in the midst of crisis or spiritual battle. The righteous run to this fortified tower and can find rest. Indeed, he can find salvation.

Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved. Romans 10:13 and Joel 2:32

1 Response

  1. Lorraine
    Such power in a name... especially in all of God's. A good reminder.

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