
Hallelujah is one of those descriptive words that you fulfill by uttering its name. Let’s break it down.

Hallel means to glorify or praise. It is giving something its due credit.

Hallelu is the imperative form - it becomes a command or instruction, “Let us praise.”  

Yah refers to God, as in His Holy Tetragrammaton, YHWH. Hallelujah is specifically pointed to Almighty God alone.

So put together, when I shout Hallelujah, I am saying Praise the Lord. I am both praising God and saying to praise God. I’m directing my own heart, as well as exhorting others, to praise Him. And when done in community – His Body – it becomes a powerful declaration of His majesty.

I want to be more mindful of Hallelujah as I worship. It reminds me of who God is and gives Him His rightful glory. By acknowledging Him on the throne, it sets things in their rightful place. In fact, I can’t think of anything more right, more clear in declaring what is true.

When I don’t know what else to do – Hallelujah. God is God and is to be praised. This is always a right response in any situation.

When I’m happy and rejoicing – Hallelujah! Sing His praise.

And maybe most important, when I’m sad or hurting – Hallelujah. It aligns me with Truth and puts my situation in correct perspective.

When you hear me say Hallelujah, understand I’m calling you to praise Him as well. And let me hear your Hallelujahs as a reminder to do the same. Let’s lift our voices together in unity as we bow to Almighty God. And call everything that has breath to praise the Lord, to Hallelujah.

Hallelu Yah

Praise God (Hallelujah) in His sanctuary;
    praise Him in His mighty heavens.
Praise Him for His acts of power;
    praise Him for His surpassing greatness.

Let everything that has breath Hallelu Yah (Praise the Lord)

Hallelu Yah

Psalm 150:1,2,6

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