Recent Posts by jen

Names of God: Jesus

When we list the names of God, we usually have in mind the ethereal Father God. He is YHWH and El Shaddai and an assortment of other names that describe His character. But the incarnate God, the babe in the manger, was also given a revealing name. We use it so frequently that it is…
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Hope of Advent

"The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, and who look forward to something greater to come." ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer Things are not as they should be. There is darkness in our world as well as our hearts. The greater my…
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Our Father

Jesus taught us to pray beginning with, “Our Father … “. God is our Father, together. Yes, He is my Father, but our identity is one of family. In thinking on this I started looking and I cannot find an example in the text that God is referred to as my Father, except by Jesus.…
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Elizabeth: the character of a mentor

Elizabeth’s heart had longed for a child and when God miraculously opened her womb in her old age, she rejoiced. In fact, it says her relatives and neighbors all rejoiced with her1. God blessed Elizabeth and Zachariah with a much longed for son, even when she was beyond the age of conceiving. He saw her…
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