Numbering our Days

Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

How can I number my days – and why does this lead to wisdom?

The idea of numbering our days isn’t a literal command. That would be impossible. But the psalmist hints at a larger idea. There is the reminder that our days here are actually finite. They will come to an end. Remembering that there are only so many days adds a preciousness to each one and would be a tragedy to waste. In other words, it is about how we live and not about when we die.

I am also encouraged because no matter what hardships I face here, those days will come to an end. Our limited time here stands in contrast to the eternalness of God. What I do here can have eternal significance, but God determines how much time I have.

As the psalmist reveals, it is God that teaches us to number our days. Only God can give us true perspective of our brief life here and the glory of what is to come. And as I grow in that perspective I grow in wisdom, learning what is most important.

I don’t know how many days I have left, but for sure I’m well over half way. Each remaining one is a precious gift that I want to be mindful of. How will I use these treasured moments? I want to learn to number them and draw nearer to Him with each one. And look forward to when they will be numbered no more.

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