Category Archives: Just for fun


Another “least likely” from last week is Joanna. She is part of the group of women that followed Jesus closely. Why is she a least likely? She was the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward. The steward is like the house manager, so he would have controlled Herod’s money. When the Bible says she financially supported…
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Least Likely

God reveals His glory in unlikely places through unlikely people. He probably does that because His glory shows brighter to us in those situations. I think He also has a sense of humor about it and enjoys our surprise, even as it builds our faith. Some of my favorite “least likelys” include: David – as…
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The Almond

The almond tree is native to the Middle East and it occurs biblically all the way back in Genesis. Because it produces fruit early in the season, it became a symbol of awakening. The almond tree is one of the first to awaken to the light of spring, to bud and flower. It is a…
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Picture This: What is it? #2

Time again to play “What is it?”! You can post answers on the website, Facebook or Twitter. Follow all the comments on the conversation page. I’ll post hints as needed. And no looking it up! Ready, set, … Go!
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