Tag Archives: Holy Spirit

Knowing the Spirit

As Father, Son and Spirit, God interacts with us in a variety of ways. I find I can relate, however imperfectly, to God the Father and Son. Their titles provoke images and ideas I feel comfortable embracing. The picture of God as Spirit is more mysterious to me. It is easy to think of the…
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The Mezuzah

Have you ever seen the mezuzahs that hang on the doors of our Jewish friends? Mezuzah means doorframe or doorpost, so in actuality you hang a mezuzah on a mezuzah. God commanded in Deuteronomy 6 that the law He was giving should be with them always. They were to talk about it to their children,…
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We, Together

Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16 The you in this passage is plural. You are God’s temple - all of you, you together - are the temple. Let me repeat. That’s one temple – singular. The Spirit dwells in you – all…
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