Always Enough: God’s Economy

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.  Psalm 24:1

God is sovereign and He has His own economy that doesn’t always make sense to me. There are no shortages for He owns and rules over all things.

The generosity of God is shown in the widow and her son who had one last meal available before they would starve to death, yet she still provided hospitality to Elijah.

The widow went and did as Elijah had told her, and all of them had enough food for many days. As the Lord had promised through Elijah, the bowl did not run out of flour nor did the jar run out of oil. 1 Kings 17:15-16

I have a friend that refers to God math. She provided for her aging mom while running her own business. By her account, it didn’t make sense how the dollars would add up to enough through the months - but it did. God always provided as she honored her mom.

Life fills up and there are things I need to prune, but sometimes even with careful prioritization it seems like there isn’t enough time for what I deem important. But God always gives enough time for what He is doing through me. Somehow, the hours seem to expand and it is enough.

The day is Yours, and Yours also the night; You established the sun and moon. Psalm 75:16

When I am busy, tired, or wondering about resources of any type – I need to be reminded that if I am on God’s path, He will provide. God is the Source of my strength, my finances, my time, even my relationships and His sovereignty guarantees there will never be a lack. It is enough.

The Heavens are Yours; the earth also is Yours; the world and all that is in it, You have founded them.  Psalm 89:11

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