Bethany, a Safe Place

Where do you go when times are tough? Do you have a safe harbor? Let’s face it, even at this age I still go to mom. But I’m blessed to have a cadre of friends that also provide a place where my heart is safe. I can rest and be encouraged from what has happened or prepare for what is coming.

I think that Jesus had a safe place – with His friends in Bethany. This village sits just outside of Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives and Jesus would have passed through there frequently. The close relationship He developed with Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha is well known.

Jesus, fully God, was also fully man and He experienced life here as we do, except without sin. He knew the joy of friendship and family but also loneliness and pain. It was in Bethany that Jesus wept – twice. He cried at the death of His dear friend, Lazarus, and the pain Mary and Martha felt. And He also wept as His entry into Jerusalem was misunderstood, a low point in His earthly ministry.

The final week of Jesus’ life on earth began in Bethany. Did He find comfort with those He loved and had grown close to? He came to them on His way into the city and stayed the night. The day ahead was heavy – announcing who He was and entering Jerusalem, overturning the tables in the Temple, having His authority questioned. Afterwards, He returned quietly to Bethany. The text simply says,

“And He left them and went out of the city to Bethany, where He spent the night.” Matthew 21:17

This is where He chose to come. To be with those He loved, with those who loved Him. To be anointed with oil by Mary. He chose to be where He would be comforted and encouraged before His final days with the disciples, His betrayal, trial and finally His death.

It’s easy to forget the humanity of Jesus during His final days. I think Jesus, in experiencing what we experience and in needing what we need, found a safe place. If He sought a comforting place, how much more is our need?

Take time to cultivate a safe place. Jesus did. Some of our journey here will be alone, but we can be helped and prepared by others. In fact, God calls us to join together in community to love and support one another.

We can also BE a safe place. Can you imagine being the place where Jesus wanted to go? We can be that for His people, our brothers and sisters in Him.

Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40




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