Lessons from the Wilderness: Abraham

Wilderness can be a lovely idea but Biblical wilderness is a harsh place. It usually refers to a desert region with extreme temperatures and a scarcity of water. God often uses wilderness in dealing with His people. Since I sometimes find myself in a spiritual wilderness, I want to look at what God has told His people traveling through these areas.

An early notable visitor was Abraham. God calls Abram, gives him a promise of greatness and of fathering a nation, changes his name and then leads him in to the desert wilderness.

What happened to Abram in the wilderness? I would contend that life happened.

He lived many years there, working, eating, travelling, fighting and loving. At long last, Abraham began a family. First he missteps and has a child with Hagar, but later God fulfills His promise by giving Isaac through Sarah. Abraham and his family experienced good, bad and all kinds of life there in the wilderness.

Sometimes it seems life shouldn’t go on while we’re in the wilderness – as if it should be put on hold. Things are dry, scarce, and I’m not sure I have the energy or direction to carry on. But we rarely get that option. Life continues to move forward and we should participate in it.

Abraham was also called to make a huge sacrifice in the wilderness. He was asked to sacrifice something that was good; his promised and beloved son. This wasn’t about pruning something not good for him; it would come at a deep personal cost. God also used this wilderness time to prepare Abraham to be the father of a great nation. God reveals His love by foreshadowing the sacrifice of a Son and His character as a Promisekeeper.

Maybe your current wilderness is a preparation tool. There are blessings around the corner. Stay faithful, keep at the daily things God has called you to do. Love your neighbor, provide for your family, get up and do that next thing that God has placed in your path. Life doesn’t stop in the wilderness and we need to embrace the growth and change available, even if it requires sacrifice.

 Early the next morning Abraham got up and returned to the place where he had stood before the Lord. Genesis 19:37

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