My Heart and Romans 8: Prayer

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And He who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8:26-27

The passages found in Romans 8 have become a delight to my heart. This letter Paul wrote to clarify doctrine has truths I have missed over the years. Or maybe my head heard but my heart wasn’t ready.

This is what I found on prayer:

We are weak

Prayer is a struggle for me. I want to be bold, pray with chutzpah, claim His promises. Yet then I seem to step back, hesitate, and wonder if what I’m praying is really His will. I get my own desires caught up in trying to relieve discomforts that come my way. Paul reminds me in Romans that I’m in good company. He acknowledges “we don’t know what to pray for like we should.”

He is our Strong Helper

But here’s the great thing – the Spirit helps me!  He knows I am weak and He bends down to assist. He knows me and loves me – and gives voice to my true need. He intercedes based on what I ought to have prayed. That is such great news! I can’t screw it up! I can pour my heart out honestly, seeking Him, and He will work as if I had prayed for the right thing.

He works passionately on our behalf

He intercedes with visceral passion, groanings too deep for words. As a mother lacks words for her pain when a child is in distress, so the Spirit communicates His care for us in our weakness. And when my prayers are mere groans, He intercedes on behalf of the pain I can’t articulate or comprehend. He understands.

We are answered in accordance with God’s Will

As Jesus prayed, “Your will be done,” so I can be assured that my prayers are answered according to His will. Even in my ineptness, my weakness and frailty, I want His will. Or at least want to want His will. And He promises to intercede accordingly.  

The Spirit enables me to have more confidence as I pray. He takes my deepest hurt, my truest need, my strongest desire and molds my prayer to what it should be - and then He delights to answer it.

1 Response

  1. Charlene Saldarriaga
    This is truly beautiful, reassuring, comforting, encouraging, and just like God. What an amazing way he covers us...all we need is a sincere heart and the willingness to go to him in prayer...and he will cover the rest with the groanings of the spirit in us and the promise to answer within his will.

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