The Silent Teacher

“Some of the most powerful moments of teaching occur when the teacher has enough discipline to remain silent.” [1]

I’ve experienced this as both a teacher and a student. Silence is uncomfortable but it allows the student to wrestle, to formulate and eventually own an answer. The easy path is to just give the next bit of information. That may or may not expand the knowledge base but it does nothing to grow the student’s learning ability.

Is this true with God as well? There are times when God roars but also times when He seems deafeningly silent. What should I do with His silence?

The Psalmist beckons me to be still.

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from Him. Psalm 62:5

What seems like His silence may be a whisper. If I am quiet I may hear His voice. Maybe He will direct my heart to ask questions of itself, leading me like a good Teacher to truth.

When I don’t hear new direction, I can keep doing what I know to do. - and keep processing what I already know to be true. Maybe He wants me to see these disciplines in a new light. Maybe He wants me to pursue the Answerer more than the answer. God never answered Job’s questions, but Job discovered a Sovereign God.

It is possible God has already spoken what He wants me to hear. And now He waits patiently for me to process and understand. I might need to grow more before it becomes clear.

I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. John 16:12

There may be many reasons for God’s silence, but one of them could be that the Master Teacher is letting me learn. As I wrestle in His silence I discover what is in my own heart. I see His loving smile when I experience an “aha” moment. We celebrate together in this new growth for a season. And then begin to explore new ground.

[1] God was in this place and I, I did not know

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