Behold, I am the servant of the Lord

How would you respond if God told you to do something inexplicable, something beyond reason? Mary got such a call. And this is her response:

“Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” Luke 1:38

What did receiving this call mean for her?

A pregnancy.  This is such an intimate and personal thing in the body of this young woman. Was she frightened? How would it happen?

Loss of reputation. This out of wedlock pregnancy would cause her to be ostracized from her community and maybe even her family.

Possible estrangement from Joseph. We know that Joseph was a good man but a marriage was also protection and security.

Financial insecurity.  If Joseph and her family put her out, she will be thrust into poverty.

Letting go of dreams. It is difficult to imagine she didn’t have ideas of what her family and future would look like. This put them all in jeopardy.

Yet she responds, “I am the servant of the Lord.“

Servants are at the complete beck and call of their masters. They don’t get to weigh in or pick and choose what is commanded of them.

When God leads me to do something I don't understand, what is my answer? I like control. Do I dare say, “I am the servant of the Lord,” knowing what that means?

What if I’m afraid? I am the servant of the Lord.

What if it causes financial sacrifice? I am the servant of the Lord

What if I must set aside my dreams? I am the servant of the Lord.

I’m practicing. I want that phrase to be my automatic response – from my heart - and with the same humility and grace as Mary. Whatever His ask of me.

I am the servant of the Lord.

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