Our Inheritance

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places. Indeed I have a beautiful inheritance. Psalm 16:6

The normal transfer of wealth during Biblical times is from father to son. A woman participates in the family wealth only through her husband. God uses this custom as an illustration of what He bestows on us. The picture of inheritance, from the Hebrew nachalah, is hinted at in its first use – all the way back in Genesis.

Then Rachel and Leah answered and said to him, “Is there any portion or inheritance left to us in our father's house? Genesis 31:14

Rachel and Leah declare that they have no inheritance with their own father, but it is now with their husband. They leave any attachment to their past behind and cling to Jacob, who becomes Israel, and with whom their future rests.

God the Father has given all things to His Son. He is the first-born and the heir. We, the church, have an inheritance through the Son as His bride. What we leave behind is of no true value to us, only what lays ahead in our new family.

It can be tempting to look back, clinging to various portions of life before Jesus. Some of those pieces are good. But the real inheritance is through my Bridegroom and the life that He calls us to with Him.

In Him we have obtained an inheritance. Ephesians 1:11

2 Responses

  1. I love the idea of heritage and the fact that it goes in both directions. My comment is that being a Christian is primarily a group identity more than an individual identity. John 17:21 talks of the oneness of all believers. It is our oneness by which the world may know that the Father has sent the Son. Our collective testimony is even more important than our individual testimony. Paul's hope, expressed in Romans 11, is that we, the Gentile Christians, by our love for one another may provoke the Jews to jealousy so that they are grafted in again. After all. they continue to be loved on account of the Patriarchs, our shared heritage. The Jews' acceptance of Jesus will be, in God's plan of salvation, "life from the dead". The mercy we have received is to result in mercy for them, for God's gifts and God's call are irrevocable.
    • jen
      Agreed! We are one body and one temple. Different purpose but we need each other.

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